



Hitfile is an online storage platform, where users can upload any type of file and share them, or download their friends’ or colleagues’ files if provided a download link. The user cannot search for specific content on Hitfile as it is often private and safely hidden on each user’s account page. Only people who get access to the download link will be able to reach the file. There are three ways to upload data to Hitfile. First of all, the user can simply drag and drop files from his computer into the page “Upload file” or add them by browsing their PC storage. If the file is in another location, browser upload is also possible as long as you don’t infringe upon any laws in your country doing so. Last of the upload methods is FTP. This method is only available to registered users. Free users can both upload and download without limit, but will most likely encounter serious limitations. For example, free users face a daily limit of 5 GB of downloadable data and with limited speed. The maximum file size when uploading for free users is 4 GB. Registered users get some advantages, most notably the restriction on maximum file size shifts to 100 GB. Both registered and free users can use the storage services for up to 30 days, afterwards as the stored file is deleted. The majority of advantages, however come with the premium account. Some public files, like videos or music can only be downloaded using a premium subscription and you will unlock multiple advantages, such as an extended data channel for maximum download speed, no more advertisement on the website, no more timeouts or waiting lines for access to downloading available content, support of download managers, support of multiple parallel downloads, extended time before expiration of stored files to up to 60 days after the last download activity and unlimited storage space. If you are buying Premium using your Hitfile registered account, you are automatically authorizing your Hitfile account with Premium with the period of activity equal to the period of bought Premium code. Premium members can download up to 250 individual files and 25 GB per day and 600 GB per month. If the user is satisfied with the services, he can subscribe to the continuous premium account and after the expiration of the membership, the account will be renewed immediately with a discount. The billing is done at the end of each period.

There are some other features that can be added to the premium account. These additional options are HTTPS + DNT, which offers added anonymity via a special encryption, perfect for the storing and sharing of rather confidential data. This is done through the HTTPS protocol, the DNT stands for Do Not Track and hides the user completely from potential monitoring and recording by anyone. The other feature is Plus+. It broadens the restrictions on traffic for the premium account two times. This means that the premium user can download up to 50 GB of data per day and 1200 GB per month. The payment is arranged directly on Hitfile with top privacy ensured through reliable encryption. the user can pay by credit card, PayPal, Paysafecard, Bitcoin, Skrill, WebMoney, Bancontact, Sofort and other programs through resellers. During special seasons of the year promo codes and sales are offered. There are pricing plans for 25, 70, 150 or 350 days, each gives you a larger amount of downloadable GB. With a premium account you can download any public data with thousands of options, such as available episodes of TV shows or movies, as long as copyright laws are followed. If you are buying Premium without a Hitfile registered account, you also can use it for rapid downloads. Simply add the code where it is needed. For downloading, you can use any download manager, such as Speedget, Download Accelerator Plus, GetRight, FlashGet and GoZilla, Google File Download Manager or any other provider. If you see a violation of copyright you can report the abuse to the administrators of Hitfile, as long as you are the lawful owner of the content or you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner.